The 24thconference of the Soil Environment Branch of Soil Science Society of China (SSSC) was held in Wuhan, Hubei Province from 10 to 12 May. About 400 teachers, scientists and graduate students took part in the conference. Professor Liping Li, Dr. Yali Wang, Dr. Tiantian Li, Dr. Zhimin Du, Dr. Yale Wang, Dr. Yongqiang Yang and graduate student Jinlong Yang from School of Environmental Engineering, Henan University of Technology and the Joint Lab attended the conference. Titles of the presentations by teachers and graduate students from the Joint Lab were, accumulation of Cd in wheat grain and the control of Cd risk by Professor Liping Li, mechanism of wheat Cd reduction by basal application of MnSO4by Dr. Yale Wang, accumulation and species transformation of As in earthworm by Dr. Yali Wang, effect of gallic acid on As adsorption by iron oxide by Dr. Yongqiang Yang, and effect of long term nonferrous metal smelting on human health by graduate student Jinlong Yang. The teachers and student from the HAUT made extensive discussions with other scientists during the conference. After the conference, the teachers and student from the Joint Lab visited the lab of professor Hongqing Hu at Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU), professor Liping Li gave a talk entitled bioavailability of heavy metals in soil to chicken to audience at HZAU.