近日,国际联合实验室成员王雅乐博士在环境学领域重要期刊《总环境科学》(Science of the Total Environment)发表重要论文,文章论述了外加添加剂对小麦镉积累、土壤镉有效性和土壤理化性质的影响。
Wang, Y., Xing, W., Liang, X., Xu, Y., Wang, Y., Huang, Q., Li, L. 2022. Effects of exogenous additives on wheat Cd accumulation, soil Cd availability and physicochemical properties in Cd-contaminated agricultural soils: A meta-analysis. Science of The Total Environment, 808: 152090.
Dr. Yale Wang published her research paper in Science of the Total Environment recently, entitled "Effect of exogenous additives on wheat Cd accumulaiton, soil Cd availability and physciochemical properties in Cd-contaminated agricultural soils: a meta-analysis". Wheat accumulates more Cd in its grains when planted in Cd-contaminated soils than most crops. Thus, the unsafe levels of wheat grain Cd in Cd-contaminated areas is a concern of the public. To elucidate the mechanism of wheat Cd accumulation and to reduce the wheat grain Cd level are primary goals of the joint lab. Dr. Wang's paper is the result of our dedication to this aim.